The Australian Weather Bureau named Tropical Cyclone Ellie on December 22 2022. Tropical cyclone Ellie developed near the Kimberley coast on December 22 2022 as a category 1 tropical cyclone
prior to making landfall.
Tropical Cyclone Ellie (06U) crossed the coast at 11pm CST in a sparsely populated location southwest of Daly River Mouth. The system continued to display a well-developed circulation
on Darwin and Wyndham radars as it tracked to the south over land. TC Ellie continued moving southward under the steering influences of a mid-level trough to the southwest and a
mid-level anticyclone to the northeast. Due to continued proximity to the ocean coupled with a low-shear atmospheric environment, the system weakened and proceeded slower than
News articles about TC Ellie:
Crisis 24 update 1